Escola Paulista de Medicina
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2017 - Melo, Gallian e Reginato - Life Oral History as a Strategy to Humanize the Relationship Between Caregivers and the Eldery: A Brazilian Experience

Life Oral History as a Strategy to Humanize the Relationship Between Caregivers and the Eldery: A Brazilian Experience

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Carla Souza Mota de Melo, Center of History and Philosophy of Health Sciences (CeHFi), Paulista Medical School (EPM), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian, Center of History and Philosophy of Health Sciences (CeHFi), Paulista Medical School (EPM), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
Valdir Reginato, Center of History and Philosophy of Health Sciences (CeHFi), Paulista Medical School (EPM), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
In view of the increasing population aging, the present qualitative descriptive study aimed to assess the applicability of the Oral History of Life to bring caregivers and the elderly closer together. The study sample included seven participants. A total of 12 interviews were recorded and transcribed according to the methodology selected. As a result, a personal book was designed and given to each of these participants in recognition for their scientific collaboration. Every individual had the unique opportunity to express themselves freely, when the essence of what needs to be said in every dialogue matters, from the perspective of participants. Some families reported that they were unaware of such specific details about their close family members. It was observed that the Oral History of Life is not only responsible for recalling facts that had been forgotten, but also for bringing back their dignity, thus valuing their role in society. This simple instrument reminds us that health care quality is not associated with modern protocols and technology exclusively, as it brings to light the humanization of care. Emphasizing the objective of health care through personalization, the Oral History of Life enables elderly individuals to be fully seen and respected with all their characteristics.
Caregivers, Autobiography, Humanization of Assistance, Aged, Health of Elderly
To cite this article
Carla Souza Mota de Melo, Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian, Valdir Reginato, Life Oral History as a Strategy to Humanize the Relationship Between Caregivers and the Eldery: A Brazilian Experience, Advances in Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2016, pp. 56-62. doi: 10.11648/j.ash.20160206.11
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