Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgraduate Program Name

2010 - Lima - Dostoyevsky and epilepsy: between science and mystique

Dostoyevsky and epilepsy: between science and mystique

Dostoiévski e a epilepsia: entre a ciência e a mística

Antenilson Franklyn Rodrigues Lima I; Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian II

I Master in Health Education at UNIFESP, University Professor and Psychologist of the Municipal Secretariat of the City of São Paulo, São Paulo SP, Brazil
II Doctor in Social History at FFLCH-USP, Professor and Director of the Centro de História e Filosofia das Ciências da Saúde (CeHFi) at UNIFESP, São Paulo SP, Brazil


This article, the result of a research project presented as a Master's degree dissertation in the graduate program of "Teaching of Health Education" at UNIFESP, seeks to highlight the pertinence of analyzing epilepsy and especially, the paradoxical experience of the epileptic individual through literary narrative. Using as its object the novel, The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, it seeks to discuss the relationship between epilepsy and the mystic experience, bearing in mind the context of the scientific and humanistic perspectives of the 19th century and today.

Key words: epilepsy, literature.


Este artigo, fruto de uma pesquisa apresentada como dissertação de mestrado junto ao programa de pós-graduação "Ensino em Ciências da Saúde" da UNIFESP, procura apontar a pertinência de se analisar a epilepsia e, principalmente, a paradoxal experiência do epiléptico através da narrativa literária. Tomando como objeto o romance O Idiota, de Fiódor Dostoiévski, procura-se discutir a relação entre epilepsia e experiência mística, considerando o contexto das perspectivas científicas e humanísticas do século XIX e de hoje.

Palavras-chave: epilepsia, literatura.

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